Italian lafarge says production on course as covid 19 contacts hit 39 nan

It seems like you're referring to a news article about Italian cement company Lafarge. Here's a summary:

Italian cement company Lafarge says its production is on course despite the impact of COVID-19, which has resulted in 39 cases of infection among its employees. The company has taken measures to ensure the health and safety of its workers, including implementing social distancing measures, increasing cleaning and disinfection, and providing personal protective equipment (PPE).

Lafarge has also reported that its production levels have not been significantly affected by the pandemic, with the company's operations continuing to run smoothly. The company's CEO, Francesco Caltagirone, has stated that Lafarge is committed to maintaining its production levels and meeting the needs of its customers during this challenging time.

It's worth noting that Lafarge is a global cement company with operations in over 80 countries, including Italy. The company has a strong presence in the Italian market and is one of the largest cement producers in the country.

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