It's not over israel and new breed mp3 download

It seems like you're looking for the song "It's Not Over" by Israel and New Breed!

Here's a quick rundown:

Now, about that MP3 download...

You can find "It's Not Over" by Israel and New Breed on various music streaming platforms, including:

  1. iTunes: You can purchase the song or the entire album on iTunes.
  2. Spotify: Stream the song on Spotify, and you can also find it on their various playlists.
  3. Amazon Music: You can find the song on Amazon Music, including the option to purchase the MP3 or stream it.
  4. Google Play Music: You can also find the song on Google Play Music, where you can purchase or stream it.

If you're looking for a free MP3 download, you might be able to find it on some gospel music websites or blogs that offer free downloads. However, please make sure to check the website's terms and conditions before downloading any music.

Remember to always support the artists and purchase their music legally to ensure they continue creating amazing music for us to enjoy!