Israeli rivals hold unity government talks to tackle coronavirus

Yes, that's correct. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Israeli rivals have held talks to form a unity government to tackle the crisis. Here's a brief summary:

In March 2020, Israel was facing a severe outbreak of COVID-19, with a high number of cases and deaths reported. The country's political leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main rival, Benny Gantz, recognized the need for a unified response to the crisis.

After several rounds of talks, Netanyahu and Gantz announced on March 26, 2020, that they had reached a deal to form a unity government. The agreement aimed to address the pandemic and other pressing issues, such as the economy and social welfare.

The unity government, which was officially formed on May 17, 2020, brought together Netanyahu's Likud party and Gantz's Blue and White party, as well as several smaller parties. The government was tasked with implementing measures to combat the pandemic, including lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination efforts.

The unity government also aimed to address other pressing issues, such as the economy, education, and healthcare. The agreement included a commitment to work together to pass legislation and make decisions on key issues.

The formation of the unity government was seen as a significant step towards addressing the pandemic and promoting national unity in Israel. It also marked a rare moment of cooperation between Netanyahu and Gantz, who had been bitter rivals in the past.

Overall, the Israeli unity government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been seen as a positive development, demonstrating the country's ability to put aside political differences and work together to address a major crisis.