Israeli new shekel to usd
The current exchange rate between the Israeli New Shekel (ILS) and the United States Dollar (USD) is:
1 ILS = approximately 0.29 USD
Please note that exchange rates can fluctuate constantly and may be different when you check. I recommend checking the current exchange rate with a reliable source, such as:
- (using the currency converter tool)
You can also check the exchange rate with your bank or a currency exchange service provider for the most up-to-date information.
Here's a rough estimate of the exchange rate for the past few days:
- Yesterday: 1 ILS = 0.28 USD
- Last week: 1 ILS = 0.29 USD
- Last month: 1 ILS = 0.30 USD
Keep in mind that exchange rates can be affected by various economic and political factors, so it's always a good idea to check the current rate before making any transactions.