Israel temple news

Here are some recent news articles and updates related to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel:

Recent Developments:

  1. Temple Mount Restrictions Eased: In August 2022, Israel's government announced that it would ease restrictions on Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount, allowing more Jews to visit the site and pray without restrictions. (Source: The Times of Israel)
  2. Violence at Temple Mount: In July 2022, a group of Israeli police officers were injured in clashes with Palestinian worshipers at the Temple Mount, leading to concerns about rising tensions in the region. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  3. Temple Mount Renovations: In June 2022, Israel's government announced plans to renovate the Temple Mount's infrastructure, including the installation of new elevators and improved lighting. (Source: Haaretz)


The Temple Mount, also known as Haram al-Sharif, is a sacred site in Jerusalem that is considered holy by Jews, Muslims, and Christians. It is located in the Old City of Jerusalem and is the site of the ancient Jewish Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE.

Current Issues:

  1. Access Restrictions: The Israeli government has restricted access to the Temple Mount for Jews, citing concerns about violence and security. Muslims, on the other hand, have unrestricted access to the site.
  2. Temple Mount Status: The status of the Temple Mount is a contentious issue, with Jews claiming it as the site of their ancient Temple and Muslims considering it the third holiest site in Islam.
  3. Settlement Expansion: Israel's settlement expansion in East Jerusalem, including in the vicinity of the Temple Mount, has been a source of tension and concern for the international community.

Recent Op-Eds and Analysis:

  1. "The Temple Mount: A Flashpoint in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" by David M. Halbfinger (The New York Times)
  2. "The Temple Mount: A Sacred Site, a Flashpoint of Tension" by Amira Hass (Haaretz)
  3. "The Temple Mount: A Symbol of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" by Khaled Abu Toameh (The Gatestone Institute)

Recent Videos:

  1. "Temple Mount: A Sacred Site, a Flashpoint of Tension" (Al Jazeera)
  2. "The Temple Mount: A Symbol of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" (The Gatestone Institute)
  3. "Temple Mount: A Flashpoint in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" (The New York Times)

Please note that the news articles and videos provided are just a selection of recent updates and may not reflect the full range of perspectives on the issue.