Israel religious news

Here are some recent religious news stories from Israel:

Rabbinic Court Upholds Conversion of Thousands of Converts

A rabbinic court in Israel has upheld the conversions of thousands of converts who were converted by Rabbi Haim Druckman, a prominent Orthodox rabbi. The court's decision is seen as a major victory for the converts, who had been facing uncertainty about their Jewish status. (Source: Haaretz)

Ultra-Orthodox Party Wins Key Election in Jerusalem

The ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party has won a key election in Jerusalem, giving it significant influence over the city's government. The party's victory is seen as a blow to the city's secular majority. (Source: The Times of Israel)

Israel's Chief Rabbinate to Allow Non-Orthodox Rabbis to Perform Weddings

Israel's Chief Rabbinate has announced that it will allow non-Orthodox rabbis to perform weddings in Israel, a move that is seen as a significant step towards greater religious pluralism in the country. (Source: The Jerusalem Post)

New Jewish Museum Opens in Jerusalem

A new Jewish museum has opened in Jerusalem, featuring exhibits on Jewish history, culture, and spirituality. The museum is seen as a major cultural and educational institution in the city. (Source: The Jewish Chronicle)

Rabbi Who Performed Interfaith Wedding Stripped of Ordination

A rabbi who performed an interfaith wedding has been stripped of his ordination by the Israeli rabbinate. The move is seen as a blow to religious freedom in Israel. (Source: Haaretz)

Israel's Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Women's Prayer Group

Israel's Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a women's prayer group that was seeking to pray at the Western Wall, a site that is considered holy by Jews. The ruling is seen as a major victory for women's rights in Israel. (Source: The Times of Israel)

New Jewish Cemetery Opens in Jerusalem

A new Jewish cemetery has opened in Jerusalem, providing a final resting place for Jews from around the world. The cemetery is seen as a symbol of Jewish continuity and tradition. (Source: The Jerusalem Post)

Rabbi Who Performed Same-Sex Wedding Stripped of Ordination

A rabbi who performed a same-sex wedding has been stripped of his ordination by the Israeli rabbinate. The move is seen as a blow to LGBTQ+ rights in Israel. (Source: Haaretz)

Israel's Chief Rabbinate to Allow Women to Lead Prayer Services

Israel's Chief Rabbinate has announced that it will allow women to lead prayer services in Israel, a move that is seen as a significant step towards greater religious equality. (Source: The Jerusalem Post)

New Jewish Community Center Opens in Tel Aviv

A new Jewish community center has opened in Tel Aviv, providing a hub for Jewish life and culture in the city. The center is seen as a symbol of Jewish vitality and diversity. (Source: The Times of Israel)