Israel parliament delays vote on deploying spy agency against coronavirus

According to recent reports, the Israeli parliament, also known as the Knesset, has delayed a vote on deploying the country's spy agency, Mossad, to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

The proposed bill, which was submitted by the government, aimed to grant Mossad the authority to collect and analyze intelligence on the spread of the virus, as well as to coordinate with other countries and international organizations to combat the pandemic.

However, the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee decided to delay the vote, citing concerns over the potential implications of such a move on Israel's national security and the agency's capabilities.

The committee's chairman, MK Zvi Hauser, stated that the decision was made to allow for further discussion and clarification on the proposed bill, as well as to ensure that the necessary safeguards are in place to protect Israel's national security.

It's worth noting that Mossad has already been involved in various efforts to combat the pandemic, including providing assistance to countries in need and gathering intelligence on the virus's spread.

What do you think about this development? Should Mossad be involved in combating the pandemic, or are there concerns about the potential implications on national security?