Israel cuts 6 million in u n funding over settlements resolution

Yes, that's correct. On December 23, 2016, the Israeli government announced that it would be cutting its funding to the United Nations by $6 million in response to the UN Security Council's adoption of Resolution 2334, which condemned Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

The resolution, which was passed on December 23, 2016, called for an immediate halt to Israeli settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The resolution also reaffirmed the illegality of Israeli settlements under international law.

In response to the resolution, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Israel would be cutting its funding to the UN by $6 million, which was a small fraction of the total amount Israel contributed to the UN each year.

The move was seen as a symbolic gesture of defiance by the Israeli government, which has long been critical of the UN's treatment of Israel. The Israeli government has argued that the UN is biased against Israel and has repeatedly criticized the organization's resolutions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It's worth noting that the $6 million cut was a relatively small amount compared to the total amount Israel contributes to the UN each year. In 2016, Israel contributed around $11 million to the UN, which was a small fraction of the total amount the UN received from its member states.

Despite the cut, the UN has continued to receive funding from other member states and has continued to operate its programs and agencies around the world.