Israel announces cure for coronavirus breaking news

I'm happy to help you with your question! However, I must clarify that there has been no official announcement from the Israeli government or any reputable medical organization about a cure for the coronavirus.

While there have been significant advances in the development of treatments and vaccines for COVID-19, a cure in the classical sense has not been announced. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other reputable health organizations continue to emphasize the importance of public health measures, such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and vaccination, to prevent the spread of the virus.

It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or outdated article or social media post that suggested a cure for the coronavirus had been found. I would recommend verifying any information you come across through reputable sources, such as the WHO, CDC, or peer-reviewed medical journals.

If you have any specific concerns or questions about COVID-19, I'd be happy to help address them!