Isna news

ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the understanding and practice of Islam in North America. Here are some recent news articles related to ISNA:

  1. ISNA Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Sri Lanka: In April 2019, ISNA condemned the terrorist attacks on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, which killed over 250 people. The organization expressed its condolences to the victims and their families and emphasized the importance of promoting peace and tolerance. (Source: ISNA Press Release)
  2. ISNA Hosts Annual Convention: Every year, ISNA hosts a convention that brings together Muslims from across North America to learn, network, and celebrate their faith. The convention features lectures, workshops, and cultural events, and is attended by thousands of people. (Source: ISNA Website)
  3. ISNA Launches New Initiative to Promote Muslim-Christian Dialogue: In 2018, ISNA launched a new initiative to promote dialogue and understanding between Muslims and Christians. The initiative aims to build bridges between the two communities and promote peace and cooperation. (Source: ISNA Press Release)
  4. ISNA Condemns Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes: ISNA has consistently condemned anti-Muslim hate crimes and discrimination against Muslims in North America. The organization has called on governments and communities to take action to prevent such incidents and promote tolerance and understanding. (Source: ISNA Press Release)
  5. ISNA Partners with Other Organizations to Promote Social Justice: ISNA has partnered with other organizations to promote social justice and address issues such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination. The organization has also launched initiatives to support refugees and immigrants. (Source: ISNA Website)

These are just a few examples of the news related to ISNA. The organization is active in promoting the values of Islam and promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding in North America.