Is it time for villa to panic and hit the big red big sam button

The infamous "Big Sam" button!

While it's understandable that Villa fans might be getting frustrated with their team's performance, I'm not sure if it's time to panic just yet.

Villa has had a tough start to the season, but they've also had some tough fixtures. They've played some of the top teams in the league, including Manchester City, Chelsea, and Tottenham, and have come away with some respectable results.

That being said, Villa does need to start picking up more points if they want to avoid getting dragged into a relegation battle. They've got a few winnable games coming up, including matches against Brighton, Burnley, and Newcastle, which they'll need to take advantage of.

If Villa continues to struggle and doesn't start to show some improvement, then maybe it's time to consider making some changes. But for now, I think it's still too early to hit the "Big Sam" button.

What do you think, Villa fan? Are you getting frustrated with your team's performance, or do you think they've just got to keep working hard and things will turn around?