Is eric tinkler cape town citys trump card against kaizer chiefs

Eric Tinkler is a well-known and respected coach in South African football, and he has indeed had success in his previous roles. However, whether he is Cape Town City's "trump card" against Kaizer Chiefs is subjective and depends on various factors.

Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Tinkler's experience: Tinkler has a wealth of experience in South African football, having coached teams like Orlando Pirates, Chippa United, and Maritzburg United. He knows the league and its teams well, which could give him an edge in terms of tactical planning and player management.
  2. Cape Town City's squad: Cape Town City has a talented squad with players like Thembinkosi Lorch, Mduduzi Mdantsane, and Taariq Fielies. Tinkler has a good understanding of the team's strengths and weaknesses, which could help him make informed decisions about team selection and tactics.
  3. Kaizer Chiefs' weaknesses: Kaizer Chiefs have had some struggles this season, particularly in defense. They have conceded a lot of goals and have struggled to keep clean sheets. Tinkler could potentially exploit these weaknesses by using his team's attacking prowess to create scoring opportunities.
  4. Tinkler's tactical acumen: Tinkler is known for his ability to set up his teams to be solid defensively and counter-attack effectively. He could potentially use this approach to nullify Kaizer Chiefs' attacking threats and catch them on the break.

However, it's also important to note that:

  1. Kaizer Chiefs' quality: Kaizer Chiefs have a strong squad with players like Khama Billiat, Lebogang Manyama, and Samir Nurkovic. They have the quality to dominate games and score goals, even against a well-organized defense.
  2. Cape Town City's inconsistencies: Cape Town City has been inconsistent this season, with some good performances followed by some poor ones. They may struggle to maintain a high level of performance over the course of a 90-minute game.
  3. Other factors: The game could be affected by various factors such as injuries, suspensions, and weather conditions. These factors could impact the outcome of the game and make it difficult to predict a winner.

In conclusion, while Eric Tinkler is a talented coach and Cape Town City has a good squad, it's difficult to say whether they have a "trump card" against Kaizer Chiefs. The game will likely be a closely contested and unpredictable affair, and the outcome will depend on a variety of factors.