Is attack on us convoy kills 8 afghans wounds 3 us soldiers #

According to various news sources, on August 29, 2019, a convoy of US troops was attacked in Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths of 8 Afghan civilians and injuries to 3 US soldiers.

The attack occurred in the province of Kandahar, in southern Afghanistan. The US military confirmed that the convoy was attacked by an improvised explosive device (IED) and small arms fire.

The 8 Afghan civilians who were killed in the attack were reportedly civilians who were traveling in a vehicle that was struck by the IED. The 3 US soldiers who were injured were treated for non-life-threatening wounds.

The attack was widely condemned by both the US and Afghan governments, with US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper calling it a "senseless act of violence" and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani expressing his condolences to the families of the victims.

It's worth noting that the conflict in Afghanistan has been ongoing for many years, and attacks on convoys and other military targets are not uncommon. However, this particular attack was notable for the high number of civilian casualties.