Irokotv new movies

Iroko TV is a popular online streaming platform that offers a wide range of Nigerian movies, TV shows, and other African content. Here are some new movies available on Iroko TV:

Romantic Movies

  1. "The Therapist" (2022) - A romantic drama about a young woman who becomes a therapist to help people overcome their emotional struggles.
  2. "Love in the Air" (2022) - A romantic comedy about a young couple who fall in love while on a flight.
  3. "The Perfect Match" (2022) - A romantic drama about a young woman who is searching for her perfect match.

Action Movies

  1. "The Guardian" (2022) - An action-packed movie about a group of vigilantes who take the law into their own hands.
  2. "The Last Warrior" (2022) - An action movie about a young warrior who must fight to protect his kingdom.
  3. "The Hunter" (2022) - An action movie about a skilled hunter who is hired to take down a group of poachers.

Drama Movies

  1. "The Village" (2022) - A drama movie about a group of people living in a small village who are struggling to survive.
  2. "The Family" (2022) - A drama movie about a family who are dealing with the consequences of their past actions.
  3. "The Stranger" (2022) - A drama movie about a young woman who is struggling to come to terms with her past.

Comedy Movies

  1. "The Jester" (2022) - A comedy movie about a young man who becomes a jester to entertain the king.
  2. "The Prankster" (2022) - A comedy movie about a young man who loves to play pranks on his friends.
  3. "The Comedian" (2022) - A comedy movie about a young woman who becomes a comedian to make people laugh.

Please note that the availability of these movies may vary depending on your location and the Iroko TV subscription plan you have.