Iraq base attack us launches retaliatory strikes on iran backed fighters

Here is a summary of the situation:

Background: The United States has been involved in a long-standing conflict with Iran-backed fighters in Iraq, particularly the Kata'ib Hezbollah militia group. The US has accused Iran of supporting these groups, which have been responsible for attacks on US personnel and interests in Iraq.

Recent Attack: On December 29, 2019, a rocket attack on a US military base in Kirkuk, Iraq, killed one American contractor and injured several others. The US blamed the attack on Kata'ib Hezbollah and Iran.

US Retaliatory Strikes: In response to the attack, the US launched retaliatory strikes on five sites in Iraq and Syria that were used by Kata'ib Hezbollah and other Iran-backed fighters. The strikes were carried out by F-15E fighter jets and drones, and targeted locations in the cities of Qaim, Derik, and Ain al-Asad.

Iran's Response: Iran has condemned the US strikes and threatened to retaliate. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted that the US had "begun its aggression" and that Iran would "respond to any aggression with force".

International Reaction: The international community has been divided in its response to the situation. The US has been backed by its allies, including the UK and France, while Iran has been supported by its allies, including Russia and China.

Ongoing Tensions: The situation remains tense, with both sides warning of further escalation. The US has increased its military presence in the region, while Iran has threatened to target US interests in the region.

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