Iran to temporarily free 54000 prisoners as coronavirus spreads

According to reports, Iran has announced that it will temporarily release around 54,000 prisoners to help slow the spread of the coronavirus in its overcrowded prisons.

The decision was made by the Iranian judiciary, which said that the prisoners would be released on bail or on parole, and would be required to wear masks and maintain social distancing while outside.

Iran has been one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic, with over 150,000 confirmed cases and more than 7,000 deaths reported. The country's prison system has been particularly vulnerable to the spread of the virus, with many prisons overcrowded and lacking adequate sanitation and medical facilities.

The temporary release of prisoners is seen as a measure to reduce the risk of transmission within the prison system and to help alleviate the burden on the country's healthcare system.

It's worth noting that this decision is not without controversy, as some human rights groups have expressed concerns about the potential risks of releasing prisoners, particularly those who may have committed serious crimes, back into society.

However, the Iranian government has emphasized that the decision is necessary to protect the health and safety of both prisoners and the wider public, and that it will work to ensure that those released are monitored and do not pose a risk to society.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out and what the impact will be on the country's prison system and society as a whole.