Iran pars news

Iran Pars News is a Persian-language news agency based in Iran. Here are some key points about Iran Pars News:

History: Iran Pars News was established in 2001 as a subsidiary of the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), which is the official news agency of Iran.

Scope: Iran Pars News covers a wide range of topics, including politics, economy, culture, sports, and international news. It also provides in-depth coverage of Iranian affairs, including government policies, parliamentary activities, and presidential elections.

Target audience: Iran Pars News primarily targets Iranian citizens living in Iran and abroad, as well as international audiences interested in Iranian news and affairs.

Content: The agency's content is available in Persian, English, and Arabic. It provides news articles, analysis, and commentary on various topics, including:

  1. Politics: Iran Pars News covers political developments in Iran, including government policies, parliamentary activities, and presidential elections.
  2. Economy: The agency provides news and analysis on Iran's economy, including trade agreements, inflation rates, and economic sanctions.
  3. Culture: Iran Pars News covers cultural events, festivals, and traditions in Iran, as well as the country's rich cultural heritage.
  4. Sports: The agency provides news and updates on Iranian sports, including football, basketball, and wrestling.
  5. International news: Iran Pars News covers international news, including global politics, economy, and culture.

Reputation: Iran Pars News is considered a reliable source of information on Iranian affairs, and its reports are widely cited by other news agencies and media outlets.

Criticisms: Some critics have accused Iran Pars News of being biased towards the Iranian government and its policies, while others have criticized the agency's reporting on human rights issues in Iran.

Social media presence: Iran Pars News has a strong social media presence, with over 1 million followers on Facebook and Twitter.

Website: The agency's website ( provides access to its news articles, analysis, and commentary, as well as video and audio content.