Iran military news 24 7

Here are some reliable sources for Iran military news 24/7:

News Websites:

  1. PressTV: PressTV is an Iranian state-run news channel that provides 24/7 coverage of military news, politics, and international affairs.
  2. IRNA (Islamic Republic News Agency): IRNA is the official news agency of Iran, providing news on military developments, politics, and international relations.
  3. Fars News Agency: Fars News Agency is a semi-official Iranian news agency that provides news on military developments, politics, and international affairs.
  4. Tasnim News Agency: Tasnim News Agency is a semi-official Iranian news agency that provides news on military developments, politics, and international affairs.

Social Media:

  1. PressTV Twitter: Follow PressTV's official Twitter account for 24/7 updates on military news, politics, and international affairs.
  2. IRNA Twitter: Follow IRNA's official Twitter account for updates on military developments, politics, and international relations.
  3. Fars News Agency Twitter: Follow Fars News Agency's official Twitter account for updates on military developments, politics, and international affairs.
  4. Tasnim News Agency Twitter: Follow Tasnim News Agency's official Twitter account for updates on military developments, politics, and international affairs.

Military Websites:

  1. Iranian Armed Forces Website: The official website of the Iranian Armed Forces provides news, updates, and information on military developments, exercises, and operations.
  2. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Website: The official website of the IRGC provides news, updates, and information on military developments, exercises, and operations.

News Aggregators:

  1. Google News: Use Google News to aggregate news articles from various sources, including Iranian news agencies and websites, on military developments and international affairs.
  2. NewsNow: NewsNow is a news aggregator that provides updates on military developments and international affairs from various sources, including Iranian news agencies and websites.

Please note that some of these sources may have a biased perspective or may not be entirely reliable. It's always a good idea to verify information through multiple sources before drawing conclusions.