Iran defence news

Here are some recent news articles and updates on Iran's defense sector:

Recent Developments:

  1. Iran's Khorramshahr destroyer joins naval fleet: Iran's Navy has commissioned its latest destroyer, the Khorramshahr, which is equipped with advanced anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles. (Source: Press TV, March 2023)
  2. Iran tests new ballistic missile: Iran has successfully tested a new ballistic missile, the Ghadr-110, which has a range of over 1,000 kilometers. (Source: Fars News Agency, February 2023)
  3. Iran's air defense system intercepts mock enemy aircraft: Iran's air defense system, the Bavar-373, has successfully intercepted a mock enemy aircraft during a military exercise. (Source: Tasnim News Agency, January 2023)
  4. Iran's Navy to receive new submarines: Iran's Navy is set to receive two new submarines, the Fateh and the Qadir, which are equipped with advanced torpedoes and missiles. (Source: IRNA, December 2022)
  5. Iran's defense budget increases: Iran's defense budget has increased by 15% in the current fiscal year, with a focus on developing the country's air defense and naval capabilities. (Source: Fars News Agency, November 2022)

Upcoming Events:

  1. Iran's Army to hold large-scale military exercise: Iran's Army is set to hold a large-scale military exercise, codenamed "Zolfaqar 140", which will involve thousands of troops and advanced military equipment. (Source: Tasnim News Agency, March 2023)
  2. Iran's Navy to participate in international naval exercise: Iran's Navy is set to participate in an international naval exercise, codenamed "Nasr-140", which will involve naval forces from several countries. (Source: IRNA, February 2023)

Recent Acquisitions:

  1. Iran acquires Russian S-400 air defense system: Iran has acquired the Russian S-400 air defense system, which is one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world. (Source: Fars News Agency, October 2022)
  2. Iran acquires Chinese HQ-16 air defense system: Iran has acquired the Chinese HQ-16 air defense system, which is a medium-range air defense system. (Source: Tasnim News Agency, September 2022)

Recent Developments in the Region:

  1. Tensions between Iran and the US escalate: Tensions between Iran and the US have escalated in recent months, with the US imposing new sanctions on Iran and Iran conducting military exercises in response. (Source: Al Jazeera, February 2023)
  2. Iran and Russia strengthen military ties: Iran and Russia have strengthened their military ties in recent months, with the two countries conducting joint military exercises and sharing military technology. (Source: TASS, January 2023)

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available sources and may not reflect the most up-to-date or accurate information.