Ir35 news

IR35 is a complex and constantly evolving topic in the UK, with new developments and changes announced regularly. Here are some recent news updates and summaries:

Recent Changes:

  1. Off-Payroll Working in the Private Sector (IR35): The UK government introduced new rules for off-payroll working in the private sector, effective from April 6, 2021. The changes aim to reduce tax avoidance and ensure that individuals working through personal service companies (PSCs) pay the correct amount of tax.
  2. IR35 Reform: The government announced plans to reform IR35, introducing a new system for off-payroll working in the private sector. The changes will require clients to determine the employment status of contractors and deduct tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) accordingly.

Recent Developments:

  1. HMRC Guidance: HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) published guidance on the new IR35 rules, providing clarification on key aspects, such as determining employment status, reporting, and penalties.
  2. Industry Reaction: The IR35 changes have been met with mixed reactions from the industry, with some contractors and recruitment agencies expressing concerns about the impact on their businesses.
  3. Court Rulings: There have been several court rulings related to IR35, including a recent case where a contractor was found to be an employee for tax purposes, despite working through a PSC.

Upcoming Changes:

  1. IR35 Review: The UK government has announced a review of IR35, which will consider the impact of the changes and gather evidence on the effectiveness of the new rules.
  2. Brexit and IR35: The UK's departure from the EU may have implications for IR35, particularly in relation to the free movement of workers and the potential for changes to tax and employment laws.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Employment Status: The key to IR35 is determining employment status, which can be complex and nuanced.
  2. Client Responsibility: Clients are now responsible for determining the employment status of contractors and deducting tax and NICs accordingly.
  3. Penalties: Failure to comply with IR35 rules can result in penalties, including fines and even criminal prosecution.


  1. HMRC IR35 Guidance: HMRC's official guidance on IR35, including FAQs and examples.
  2. IR35 Reform: The UK government's website on IR35 reform, including information on the changes and their implementation.
  3. IR35 News and Updates: Various online resources, such as ContractorUK and Recruitment International, provide regular updates and analysis on IR35 news and developments.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments and changes in IR35. If you're affected by IR35, it's recommended that you consult with a tax professional or seek advice from a reputable source.