Ippis news today

IPPIS (Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System) is a payroll system used by the Federal Government of Nigeria to manage the salaries and allowances of its employees. Here are some recent news updates about IPPIS:

Latest News:

  1. IPPIS Payment for January 2023: The Federal Government has announced that payment of salaries for January 2023 has been concluded. According to the Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, all federal employees who are captured on the IPPIS platform have been paid their salaries.
  2. IPPIS Registration Deadline Extended: The Federal Government has extended the deadline for the registration of federal employees on the IPPIS platform. The new deadline is March 31, 2023.
  3. IPPIS Payment Challenges: Some federal employees have reported challenges with the payment of their salaries through the IPPIS platform. The Ministry of Finance has assured that it is working to resolve the issues and ensure that all employees receive their salaries on time.
  4. IPPIS Integration with Other Systems: The Federal Government has announced plans to integrate the IPPIS platform with other government systems, including the Treasury Single Account (TSA) and the Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS).
  5. IPPIS Training for Employees: The Federal Government has organized training sessions for federal employees on the use of the IPPIS platform. The training aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the payroll system.

Recent Updates:

  1. IPPIS Payment for December 2022: The Federal Government paid salaries for December 2022 to federal employees who are captured on the IPPIS platform.
  2. IPPIS Registration for New Employees: The Federal Government has announced that new employees who are recruited into the federal service must register on the IPPIS platform within 30 days of their appointment.
  3. IPPIS Payment for November 2022: The Federal Government paid salaries for November 2022 to federal employees who are captured on the IPPIS platform.

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive. For the latest information on IPPIS, you can visit the official website of the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning or other reputable sources.