Ippis news

IPPIS stands for Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System, which is a payroll management system used by the Federal Government of Nigeria to manage the salaries and wages of its employees. Here are some recent news updates about IPPIS:

  1. IPPIS payment delay: In October 2022, the Federal Government announced a delay in the payment of salaries to federal employees due to technical issues with the IPPIS system. The delay affected over 1 million employees.
  2. IPPIS integration with TSA: In September 2022, the Federal Government announced plans to integrate the IPPIS system with the Treasury Single Account (TSA) to improve transparency and accountability in government finances.
  3. IPPIS compliance: In August 2022, the Federal Government announced that all federal employees must comply with the IPPIS system by October 2022, or risk not receiving their salaries.
  4. IPPIS challenges: In July 2022, the Federal Government acknowledged challenges with the IPPIS system, including issues with data migration and integration with other government systems.
  5. IPPIS upgrade: In June 2022, the Federal Government announced plans to upgrade the IPPIS system to improve its efficiency and effectiveness.

These are just a few recent news updates about IPPIS. If you're looking for more information or specific updates, please let me know!