Iphone 6s plus brand new price

The prices of brand new iPhone 6s Plus can vary depending on the storage capacity, condition, and location. However, based on current market trends and prices from authorized Apple resellers and online marketplaces, here are some approximate prices for brand new iPhone 6s Plus:

Please note that these prices are subject to change and may vary depending on your location, taxes, and other factors. Additionally, you may be able to find deals or discounts on new iPhone 6s Plus models from authorized resellers or online marketplaces.

It's also worth noting that the iPhone 6s Plus is an older model, and Apple has discontinued its production. However, you may still be able to find new or refurbished units from authorized resellers or online marketplaces.

Here are some online marketplaces where you can check the prices of brand new iPhone 6s Plus:

Remember to always purchase from authorized resellers or reputable online marketplaces to ensure that you're getting a genuine product with a valid warranty.