Ion news

Here are some recent news articles related to ions:

Physics and Chemistry

  1. "Scientists discover new type of ion that could revolutionize energy storage" ( - Researchers have discovered a new type of ion that could lead to more efficient energy storage and potentially transform the way we power our devices.
  2. "Ion beam technology could improve cancer treatment" (Science Daily) - A new study has shown that ion beam technology could be used to improve cancer treatment by targeting tumors with high-energy ions.
  3. "New ion-based sensor could detect diseases earlier" (Tech Xplore) - Scientists have developed a new ion-based sensor that could detect diseases earlier and more accurately than current methods.

Space Exploration

  1. "NASA's Parker Solar Probe discovers new type of ion in the solar wind" ( - NASA's Parker Solar Probe has discovered a new type of ion in the solar wind, which could help scientists better understand the Sun's behavior.
  2. "Ion engine could power future deep space missions" (The Verge) - Researchers are developing an ion engine that could power future deep space missions, potentially allowing spacecraft to travel farther and faster than ever before.
  3. "European Space Agency's BepiColombo mission uses ion engines to travel to Mercury" (ESA) - The European Space Agency's BepiColombo mission is using ion engines to travel to Mercury, which will take about seven years to complete.


  1. "Ion implantation technique could improve semiconductor performance" (Electronics Weekly) - Researchers have developed an ion implantation technique that could improve the performance of semiconductors, which are used in a wide range of electronic devices.
  2. "New ion-based water purification system could provide clean drinking water for millions" (The Guardian) - Scientists have developed a new ion-based water purification system that could provide clean drinking water for millions of people around the world.
  3. "Ion-powered aircraft could revolutionize air travel" (The Engineer) - Researchers are developing an ion-powered aircraft that could revolutionize air travel by reducing emissions and increasing efficiency.

I hope you find these articles interesting!