Invoking trump ex georgian leader launches new party in ukraine

An interesting development!

You're likely referring to Mikheil Saakashvili, the former President of Georgia (2004-2013) and Governor of Odessa Oblast in Ukraine (2015-2016). He has indeed launched a new political party in Ukraine, called the Movement of New Forces (Movement of New Forces - Saakashvili).

On December 14, 2020, Saakashvili announced the creation of his new party, which aims to challenge the current political establishment in Ukraine and promote reforms. The party's platform focuses on issues such as fighting corruption, improving the economy, and strengthening Ukraine's position in the international community.

Saakashvili's decision to launch a new party comes after he was stripped of his Ukrainian citizenship in 2017 by then-President Petro Poroshenko, allegedly due to his criticism of the government's anti-corruption efforts. Saakashvili has since been living in exile in the Netherlands.

It's worth noting that Saakashvili has been a vocal critic of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his government, accusing them of corruption and incompetence. His new party is likely to attract support from those who share his views and are dissatisfied with the current political situation in Ukraine.

As for the connection to Donald Trump, it's worth mentioning that Saakashvili has been a vocal supporter of Trump and has praised his efforts to promote democracy and fight corruption worldwide. In 2019, Saakashvili even met with Trump at the White House, where they discussed issues related to Ukraine and Georgia.

Overall, the launch of Saakashvili's new party in Ukraine is an interesting development that could potentially shake up the country's political landscape.