Introducing yourself to a new team

Here's a general outline you can follow when introducing yourself to a new team:

Before the Introduction

The Introduction

  1. Start with a friendly greeting: Begin with a warm hello and a smile.
  2. Introduce yourself: State your name, title, and any relevant credentials or certifications.
  3. Share your background: Briefly share your work experience, education, and any relevant skills or training.
  4. Highlight your strengths: Share your achievements, skills, and experiences that align with the team's goals and objectives.
  5. Show enthusiasm and interest: Express your excitement about joining the team and contributing to their work.


"Hi everyone, my name is [Your Name], and I'm thrilled to be joining the [Team Name] team as [Your Title]. I have [Number] years of experience in [Industry/Field], with a background in [Relevant Skills or Training]. I'm excited to bring my skills in [Specific Skills] to the team and contribute to the [Project/Initiative]. I'm looking forward to learning more about the team's goals and how I can help achieve them. Can anyone tell me a bit more about the team's current projects and challenges?"

After the Introduction

Remember to be yourself, be respectful, and show genuine interest in the team and their work. Good luck!