Introducing a new ceo to employees

Here's a sample script and guidelines for introducing a new CEO to employees:


[Start with a brief introduction]

"Good morning/afternoon everyone, I'm [Your Name], [Your Title], and I'm excited to introduce our new CEO, [New CEO's Name]. [New CEO's Name] comes to us with [briefly mention their background and experience]."

[Provide some context about the transition]

"As you know, [Previous CEO's Name] has been leading our organization for [length of time] and has done an outstanding job. However, [Previous CEO's Name] has decided to move on to new challenges, and we're grateful for their contributions. Today, we welcome [New CEO's Name] as our new leader, and we're excited to have them on board."

[Introduce the new CEO]

"[New CEO's Name] has a proven track record of [briefly mention their achievements and strengths]. They're passionate about [industry/field] and are committed to [company values or mission]. We're thrilled to have them join our team and lead us into the future."

[Highlight the new CEO's vision and priorities]

"[New CEO's Name] has a clear vision for our organization, and we're excited to share it with you. They're committed to [briefly mention their top priorities, such as innovation, customer satisfaction, or employee development]. We're confident that their leadership will help us achieve our goals and continue to grow and thrive."

[Encourage questions and feedback]

"We're excited to have [New CEO's Name] on board and look forward to working with them. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about their vision and priorities, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're always open to feedback and look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas."


  1. Keep it brief: Keep the introduction concise and to the point. Aim for 5-7 minutes, max.
  2. Be respectful: Acknowledge the previous CEO's contributions and express gratitude for their service.
  3. Highlight the new CEO's strengths: Share some key accomplishments and strengths that make the new CEO a great fit for the organization.
  4. Provide context: Give employees some background information on the transition and what to expect from the new CEO.
  5. Encourage questions and feedback: Create an open and transparent environment by encouraging employees to ask questions and provide feedback.
  6. Be prepared for questions: Anticipate questions and have answers ready. This will help to alleviate any concerns or uncertainty employees may have.
  7. Follow up: After the introduction, consider sending a follow-up email or memo to reiterate the new CEO's vision and priorities, and to provide additional resources or information.

Additional Tips: