International womens day marked with marches and protests

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8th every year to recognize the economic, political, and social achievements of women and to raise awareness about the ongoing struggles and challenges they face. On this day, many women around the world mark the occasion with marches, protests, and other events to demand equality, justice, and human rights.

Here are some examples of how International Women's Day was marked with marches and protests in recent years:

  1. 2017: Women's March on Washington: On January 21, 2017, just days after Donald Trump's inauguration, hundreds of thousands of women and allies gathered in Washington D.C. for the Women's March on Washington. The march was one of the largest in U.S. history, with estimates suggesting that over 500,000 people attended.
  2. 2018: Global Women's March: On March 8, 2018, women and allies around the world participated in the Global Women's March, with events taking place in over 600 cities across 80 countries. The march was held to mark the one-year anniversary of the Women's March on Washington and to continue the momentum for women's rights and social justice.
  3. 2019: International Women's Strike: On March 8, 2019, women in over 60 countries participated in the International Women's Strike, a global strike and protest movement that aimed to highlight the economic and social inequalities faced by women. The strike was organized by the International Women's Strike Committee, a global network of feminist organizations and activists.
  4. 2020: Global Strike for Climate and Women's Rights: On March 8, 2020, women and allies around the world participated in the Global Strike for Climate and Women's Rights, a joint protest movement that aimed to highlight the intersectional struggles faced by women and the climate crisis. The strike was organized by the Global Women's Strike Committee and the Fridays for Future movement.

Some of the key demands and issues that have been raised during these marches and protests include:

Overall, International Women's Day has become a powerful platform for women and allies to demand change and challenge the status quo. The marches and protests that take place on this day are a testament to the ongoing struggle for women's rights and social justice around the world.