International womens day lagos state dedicates video to female heros

Here's a potential script for a video dedicated to female heroes in Lagos State on International Women's Day:

Title: "Celebrating Female Heroes in Lagos State: International Women's Day 2023"


(Upbeat background music starts playing. The camera pans over a montage of images showcasing women from different walks of life in Lagos State, with captions popping up to highlight their achievements.)

Narrator: "Today, we celebrate the incredible women who make Lagos State a better place. From entrepreneurs to activists, healthcare workers to humanitarians, these female heroes are breaking barriers and making a difference in their communities."

Segment 1: Women in Entrepreneurship

(Cut to an interview with a female entrepreneur, e.g. a fashion designer or a food vendor)

Entrepreneur: "I started my business with just N10,000 and now I employ several people. I'm proud to be a role model for young women in Lagos who want to start their own businesses."

Narrator: "Women like [Entrepreneur's name] are driving economic growth and creating opportunities for others in Lagos State."

Segment 2: Women in Healthcare

(Cut to an interview with a female healthcare worker, e.g. a nurse or a doctor)

Healthcare Worker: "As a healthcare worker, I've seen firsthand the impact that women can have on their communities. I'm proud to be part of a team that's dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes for women and children in Lagos State."

Narrator: "Women like [Healthcare Worker's name] are dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of women and children in Lagos State."

Segment 3: Women in Activism

(Cut to an interview with a female activist, e.g. a human rights advocate or an environmental activist)

Activist: "As a woman, I've seen the impact that systemic inequality can have on our lives. I'm proud to be part of a movement that's fighting for justice and equality for all women in Lagos State."

Narrator: "Women like [Activist's name] are fighting for the rights and dignity of women and girls in Lagos State."


(Cut back to the narrator)

Narrator: "Today, we celebrate the incredible women who are making a difference in Lagos State. We recognize their achievements, their struggles, and their resilience. And we recommit to creating a society that values and supports women's empowerment and equality."

(Closing shot of a montage of images showcasing women from different walks of life in Lagos State, with the caption "Happy International Women's Day, Lagos State!")

Hashtags: #InternationalWomensDay #LagosState #FemaleHeroes #WomenEmpowerment #Equality