International womens day clashes mar mexico city march

On International Women's Day, March 8, 2023, a march was held in Mexico City to celebrate the day and demand gender equality. However, the event was marred by clashes between protesters and police.

According to reports, thousands of women and allies gathered in the city's historic center to march and demand an end to gender-based violence, discrimination, and inequality. The march was organized by various feminist groups and unions, and was expected to be one of the largest and most significant events of its kind in the city.

However, as the march began, clashes broke out between protesters and police. Riot police were deployed to the area, and officers used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd. Protesters responded by throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at the police.

The clashes were reportedly sparked by a dispute over the route of the march, with police attempting to redirect the protesters away from the city's main square. The protesters, however, refused to budge, and tensions escalated.

At least 20 people were injured in the clashes, including several police officers and protesters. Many more were arrested, with reports suggesting that over 100 people were taken into custody.

Despite the violence, many protesters remained defiant, chanting slogans and waving signs demanding an end to gender-based violence and discrimination. The event was widely covered in the media, with many calling for greater action to address the issues faced by women and marginalized communities in Mexico.

The clashes on International Women's Day in Mexico City were just the latest in a series of protests and demonstrations that have taken place in the country in recent months. The events have been sparked by a range of issues, including corruption, inequality, and violence against women and marginalized communities.

In response to the clashes, the Mexican government has promised to increase security measures and work to address the underlying issues that led to the violence. However, many protesters and activists have called for more concrete action to address the root causes of gender-based violence and discrimination in the country.