International rescue committee new york

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian organization that provides emergency aid and long-term assistance to refugees and displaced people around the world. The IRC has a presence in over 40 countries, including the United States, where it has a major office in New York City.

Here are some key facts about the IRC's work in New York:

Mission: The IRC's mission is to help people affected by conflict, natural disasters, and persecution to survive, recover, and gain control over their lives.

Programs: The IRC's New York office focuses on several key programs, including:

  1. Refugee Resettlement: The IRC helps refugees who have been resettled in the United States to rebuild their lives, including providing housing, employment, and education assistance.
  2. Asylum Seeker Support: The IRC provides legal assistance, counseling, and other support services to asylum seekers who are seeking protection in the United States.
  3. Disaster Response: The IRC responds to natural disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires, to provide emergency aid and support to affected communities.
  4. Health and Mental Health Services: The IRC provides medical and mental health services to refugees and asylum seekers, including counseling, medical screenings, and treatment for trauma and other health issues.

Services: The IRC's New York office offers a range of services, including:

  1. Counseling: The IRC provides individual and group counseling to refugees and asylum seekers who have experienced trauma, including torture, sexual violence, and other forms of abuse.
  2. Legal Assistance: The IRC provides legal assistance to asylum seekers, including help with filing asylum claims, obtaining work permits, and accessing other legal services.
  3. Job Training and Placement: The IRC offers job training and placement services to help refugees and asylum seekers gain employment and become self-sufficient.
  4. Housing Assistance: The IRC provides housing assistance, including rental assistance and housing placement services, to help refugees and asylum seekers find stable housing.

Volunteer Opportunities: The IRC has a range of volunteer opportunities available in New York, including:

  1. Counseling: Volunteers can provide counseling services to refugees and asylum seekers.
  2. Administrative Support: Volunteers can assist with administrative tasks, such as data entry and filing.
  3. Fundraising: Volunteers can help with fundraising events and campaigns to support the IRC's work.
  4. Community Outreach: Volunteers can help with community outreach and education efforts to raise awareness about the IRC's work and the needs of refugees and asylum seekers.

Donation Opportunities: The IRC relies on donations to support its work in New York and around the world. Donations can be made online or by mail, and can be designated to support specific programs or services.

Overall, the International Rescue Committee's New York office plays a critical role in providing humanitarian aid and support to refugees and asylum seekers in the United States.