International new york times

The International New York Times (INYT) is a global edition of The New York Times, a leading international newspaper. It was launched in 2013 as a result of the merger between The New York Times and The International Herald Tribune (IHT).

Here are some key facts about the International New York Times:

  1. Global reach: The INYT is published in 12 languages, including English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, and Turkish.
  2. International coverage: The newspaper focuses on international news, with a global perspective on politics, business, finance, culture, and more.
  3. Editions: The INYT is published in several editions, including:
    • The International New York Times (English)
    • Le Monde diplomatique (French)
    • El País (Spanish)
    • Die Zeit (German)
    • La Stampa (Italian)
    • O Estado de S. Paulo (Portuguese)
    • Asahi Shimbun (Japanese)
    • JoongAng Ilbo (Korean)
    • Al-Hayat (Arabic)
    • Haaretz (Hebrew)
    • Yedioth Ahronoth (Hebrew)
    • Hurriyet Daily News (Turkish)
  4. Print and digital: The INYT is available in print and digital formats, with online editions published daily.
  5. Headquarters: The International New York Times is headquartered in Paris, France, with bureaus and correspondents around the world.
  6. Editorial independence: The INYT is editorially independent and operates under the same principles of journalistic integrity as The New York Times.
  7. Subscription model: The newspaper offers various subscription options, including print and digital subscriptions, as well as online access through its website and mobile app.

The International New York Times is a valuable resource for readers seeking in-depth coverage of global news, politics, and culture.