International maritime organization news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the International Maritime Organization (IMO):

Recent News

  1. IMO adopts new sulphur cap regulations: The IMO has adopted new regulations to reduce the sulphur content of marine fuels from 3.5% to 0.5% by 2020, in an effort to reduce air pollution from ships. (Source: IMO)
  2. IMO launches new digital platform for ship safety: The IMO has launched a new digital platform to improve ship safety and reduce the risk of accidents. The platform, called the "IMO Ship Safety Platform", allows shipowners and operators to report incidents and share information with other stakeholders. (Source: IMO)
  3. IMO and UNCTAD sign agreement to promote sustainable shipping: The IMO and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) have signed an agreement to promote sustainable shipping and reduce the environmental impact of international trade. (Source: IMO)
  4. IMO adopts new guidelines for ship recycling: The IMO has adopted new guidelines for ship recycling, aimed at improving the safety and environmental sustainability of the recycling process. (Source: IMO)
  5. IMO and World Bank sign agreement to support sustainable shipping: The IMO and the World Bank have signed an agreement to support sustainable shipping and reduce the environmental impact of international trade. (Source: IMO)

Upcoming Events

  1. IMO Assembly 2020: The IMO Assembly will take place from November 23 to December 4, 2020, in London, UK. The Assembly will discuss a range of issues, including the implementation of the 2020 sulphur cap and the development of new regulations for ship recycling. (Source: IMO)
  2. IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 76: The MEPC 76 will take place from March 22 to 26, 2021, in London, UK. The Committee will discuss a range of issues, including the implementation of the 2020 sulphur cap and the development of new regulations for ship recycling. (Source: IMO)

Recent Decisions

  1. IMO adopts new regulations for ballast water management: The IMO has adopted new regulations for ballast water management, aimed at preventing the spread of invasive species through ship ballast water. (Source: IMO)
  2. IMO adopts new guidelines for the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel: The IMO has adopted new guidelines for the use of LNG as a marine fuel, aimed at promoting the use of cleaner fuels in the shipping industry. (Source: IMO)
  3. IMO adopts new regulations for the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances: The IMO has adopted new regulations for the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances, aimed at improving the safety and environmental sustainability of the transportation of these substances. (Source: IMO)

Recent Research and Studies

  1. Study on the impact of the 2020 sulphur cap on the shipping industry: A study by the IMO and the World Bank has found that the 2020 sulphur cap will have a significant impact on the shipping industry, with estimated costs of around $60 billion per year. (Source: IMO)
  2. Study on the environmental impact of shipping: A study by the IMO and the University of Plymouth has found that shipping is responsible for around 2.2% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and that the industry needs to take action to reduce its environmental impact. (Source: IMO)
  3. Study on the use of alternative fuels in the shipping industry: A study by the IMO and the International Council on Clean Transportation has found that the use of alternative fuels, such as LNG and hydrogen, could reduce the environmental impact of the shipping industry by up to 80%. (Source: IMO)