International agriculture news

Here are some recent international agriculture news stories:

  1. Global Food Prices Rise: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has reported a 10% increase in global food prices in 2022, driven by droughts, conflicts, and supply chain disruptions. (Source: FAO)
  2. US-China Trade Deal Boosts Soybean Exports: The Phase One trade deal between the US and China has led to a significant increase in US soybean exports to China, with shipments reaching a record high in 2022. (Source: USDA)
  3. EU Approves GM Maize: The European Union has approved the cultivation of genetically modified maize (corn) from US company Monsanto, despite opposition from environmental groups. (Source: EU Commission)
  4. African Swine Fever Spreads: A highly contagious and deadly disease, African Swine Fever, has spread to several countries in Asia and Europe, affecting millions of pigs and causing significant economic losses. (Source: OIE)
  5. Climate Change Impacts Global Wheat Production: Climate change has led to a decline in global wheat production, with yields expected to decrease by 2.5% per decade due to rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns. (Source: IPCC)
  6. India's Wheat Exports Soar: India, the world's second-largest wheat producer, has become a major wheat exporter, with exports reaching a record high in 2022 due to strong demand from countries like Egypt and Indonesia. (Source: Indian Ministry of Agriculture)
  7. Brazil's Soybean Crop Hit by Drought: A severe drought in Brazil's Mato Grosso state has affected the country's soybean crop, with yields expected to decline by 10% due to water scarcity. (Source: Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture)
  8. Kenya's Coffee Exports Decline: Kenya's coffee exports have declined by 15% in 2022 due to a combination of factors, including drought, pests, and diseases. (Source: Kenya Coffee Association)
  9. Australia's Drought Recovery Efforts: Australia has launched a AUD 100 million (USD 70 million) program to help farmers recover from the country's worst drought in decades, which has affected the livestock and grain industries. (Source: Australian Government)
  10. Global Organic Farming Growth: The global organic farming market is expected to grow by 12% per year from 2022 to 2027, driven by increasing consumer demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly food products. (Source: Grand View Research)

These are just a few examples of the many international agriculture news stories that are shaping the industry.