Internally generated revenue enugu plans to engage revenue driver 33 audit firms #comments

It appears that the Enugu State Government is planning to engage 33 audit firms to drive internally generated revenue (IGR) in the state. Here are some potential comments on this development:

Positive Comments:

  1. "This is a great move by the Enugu State Government to boost its IGR. Engaging 33 audit firms will help to identify areas of revenue leakages and optimize revenue collection."
  2. "I'm excited to see the impact this will have on the state's economy. With more revenue coming in, the government can invest in infrastructure development and improve the lives of citizens."
  3. "This initiative will not only increase revenue but also promote transparency and accountability in the state's financial management."

Negative Comments:

  1. "I'm concerned about the cost of engaging 33 audit firms. Will the state be able to recoup the investment through increased revenue?"
  2. "How will the government ensure that the audit firms are not compromised and that the revenue collection process is fair and transparent?"
  3. "What measures will be put in place to prevent corruption and ensure that the revenue generated is used for the benefit of the people?"

Constructive Comments:

  1. "It would be great if the government could provide more details on the scope of work for the audit firms and how they will be selected."
  2. "I hope the government will also invest in capacity building for its revenue officials to ensure that they are equipped to work effectively with the audit firms."
  3. "The government should also consider engaging local audit firms to promote local economic development and reduce dependence on external firms."

Overall, the engagement of 33 audit firms by the Enugu State Government is a significant step towards boosting its internally generated revenue. While there are concerns about the cost and potential for corruption, the initiative has the potential to bring in significant revenue and promote transparency and accountability in the state's financial management.