Inter milan suspends all competitive activities payers to go into medical isolation

Inter Milan has indeed suspended all competitive activities and ordered its players to go into medical isolation after several members of the team tested positive for COVID-19.

According to reports, the Italian club has been affected by a coronavirus outbreak, with multiple players and staff members contracting the virus. As a precautionary measure, the team has decided to suspend all training and matches until further notice.

The decision was made in consultation with the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) and the local health authorities. The players and staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 will be required to undergo a period of medical isolation to prevent the spread of the virus.

This development comes at a critical time for Inter Milan, as they are currently competing in the Serie A league and the UEFA Champions League. The team was scheduled to play a crucial match against Sassuolo on Sunday, but the match has been postponed due to the outbreak.

The club has not disclosed the exact number of players who have tested positive for COVID-19, but it is believed to be a significant number. Inter Milan's coach, Antonio Conte, has also tested positive for the virus and will be isolating for the next 10 days.

The suspension of competitive activities is a precautionary measure to ensure the health and safety of the players, staff, and fans. The club will continue to monitor the situation and will provide updates on when they will resume training and matches.

This is not the first time that a football team has been affected by a COVID-19 outbreak. Several teams around the world have had to suspend activities due to the virus, including top clubs like Barcelona, Juventus, and Manchester City.