Integrated marketing communications plan for new product

Here is a comprehensive integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan for a new product:

Product Name: EcoCycle, a smart recycling bin that uses AI-powered sensors to identify and sort recyclables from non-recyclables.

Target Audience: Environmentally conscious consumers, aged 25-45, living in urban areas.

Marketing Objectives:

  1. Create awareness about EcoCycle and its benefits among the target audience.
  2. Position EcoCycle as a leader in the smart recycling industry.
  3. Drive sales and increase market share within the first year.

IMC Strategy:

1. Branding:

2. Advertising:

3. Public Relations:

4. Content Marketing:

5. Influencer Marketing:

6. Events and Activations:

7. Promotions and Giveaways:

8. Measurement and Evaluation:

Budget Allocation:


This comprehensive IMC plan will help EcoCycle effectively launch and promote its new product, creating awareness, driving sales, and establishing a strong brand presence in the market.