Insurers embrace index based scheme to scale up 15m smallholder farmers

Insurers Embrace Index-Based Scheme to Scale Up Insurance Coverage for 15 Million Smallholder Farmers

In a groundbreaking move, several insurance companies have announced their commitment to adopting an index-based insurance scheme to provide coverage to 15 million smallholder farmers worldwide. This innovative approach aims to address the long-standing challenge of insuring smallholder farmers, who are often excluded from traditional insurance markets due to their limited financial resources and lack of collateral.

What is Index-Based Insurance?

Index-based insurance is a type of insurance that uses weather and crop data to determine payouts, rather than relying on individual farm-level data. This approach eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming farm assessments, making it more feasible to insure large numbers of smallholder farmers.

How Does it Work?

Here's how the index-based insurance scheme works:

  1. Weather and Crop Data Collection: Weather stations and satellite imaging technology are used to collect data on weather conditions and crop yields.
  2. Index Calculation: The collected data is used to calculate an index that reflects the impact of weather events on crop yields.
  3. Payout Trigger: If the index value exceeds a predetermined threshold, payouts are triggered to eligible farmers.
  4. Payout Calculation: The payout amount is calculated based on the index value and the farmer's insured area.

Benefits for Smallholder Farmers

The index-based insurance scheme offers several benefits for smallholder farmers, including:

  1. Increased Accessibility: Insurance coverage is made available to farmers who were previously excluded due to lack of collateral or financial resources.
  2. Simplified Underwriting: The index-based approach eliminates the need for farm-level assessments, reducing the complexity and cost of underwriting.
  3. Improved Risk Management: Farmers can better manage their risk by having access to insurance coverage that protects their crops against weather-related losses.
  4. Increased Resilience: The insurance coverage can help farmers recover from crop losses, reducing their vulnerability to poverty and food insecurity.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Several insurance companies, including Allianz, AXA, and Zurich, have partnered with organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations, and non-profit organizations to develop and implement the index-based insurance scheme. These partnerships aim to leverage the expertise and resources of each organization to scale up the program and reach more smallholder farmers.


The adoption of index-based insurance by insurers is a significant step towards increasing access to insurance coverage for smallholder farmers. This innovative approach has the potential to improve the livelihoods of millions of farmers worldwide, reducing their vulnerability to weather-related risks and promoting food security.