Install mac os on a new hard drive

A fresh start! Installing macOS on a new hard drive can be a bit of a process, but I'll guide you through it. Please note that this guide is for installing macOS on a blank hard drive, not upgrading an existing installation.


  1. A new hard drive with at least 64GB of free space (128GB or more recommended).
  2. A compatible Mac computer (check Apple's website for compatible models).
  3. A USB drive with at least 16GB of free space (for creating a bootable installer).
  4. A stable internet connection.

Step 1: Prepare the new hard drive

  1. Connect the new hard drive to your Mac.
  2. Open Disk Utility (in Applications/Utilities or use Spotlight to search).
  3. Select the new hard drive from the list on the left.
  4. Click the "Erase" button and select "Quick Erase" or "Security Erase" (depending on your preference).
  5. Confirm the erase operation.

Step 2: Download the macOS installer

  1. Go to the App Store on your Mac and search for "macOS" (e.g., "macOS High Sierra" or "macOS Catalina").
  2. Click the "Download" button to download the installer.
  3. Once the download is complete, open the installer package.

Step 3: Create a bootable installer

  1. Insert a USB drive with at least 16GB of free space.
  2. Open the Terminal app (in Applications/Utilities or use Spotlight to search).
  3. Run the following command to create a bootable installer:
    sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ [version].app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/USB\ Drive --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ [version].app

    Replace [version] with the actual version of macOS you're installing (e.g., "High Sierra" or "Catalina").

Step 4: Install macOS

  1. Restart your Mac and immediately hold down the "Option" (⌥) key.
  2. Select the new hard drive from the boot menu.
  3. The macOS installer should launch. Follow the on-screen instructions to select your language, country or region, and keyboard layout.
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions.
  5. Select the new hard drive as the installation destination.
  6. Wait for the installation to complete. This may take some time.

Step 5: Set up your Mac

  1. Once the installation is complete, your Mac will restart.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your Mac, including:
    • Setting up your Wi-Fi network.
    • Creating a user account.
    • Setting up your Time Zone.
    • Configuring other settings (e.g., language, keyboard layout).

That's it! Your Mac should now be running on the new hard drive with a fresh installation of macOS.