Instagram new hashtag update

Instagram has recently updated its hashtag system, and here are the key changes:

1. Hashtag Suggestions: Instagram now suggests hashtags as you type them in the caption. This feature is designed to help you discover popular and relevant hashtags for your content.

2. Hashtag Recommendations: When you use a hashtag, Instagram will recommend related hashtags based on the content you're posting. This feature is meant to help you reach a wider audience and increase engagement.

3. Hashtag Insights: Instagram has introduced a new feature called "Hashtag Insights" that provides analytics and insights on the performance of your hashtags. This feature is available for accounts with a business or creator profile.

4. Hashtag Filtering: Instagram has added a new filtering option for hashtags, allowing you to filter by "Top" (most popular), "Recent" (newly posted), or "Relevance" (most relevant to your content).

5. Hashtag Limit: Instagram has increased the maximum number of hashtags you can use in a single post from 30 to 30,000. However, it's still recommended to use a limited number of hashtags (5-10) to avoid looking spammy.

6. Hashtag Autocomplete: When you start typing a hashtag, Instagram will now autocomplete the hashtag for you, making it easier to find and use relevant hashtags.

7. Hashtag Search: Instagram has improved its hashtag search functionality, allowing you to search for hashtags with more precision and discover new and relevant hashtags.

8. Hashtag Analytics: Instagram has introduced a new analytics tool that provides insights on the performance of your hashtags, including the number of impressions, engagement, and reach.

9. Hashtag Campaigns: Instagram has launched a new feature called "Hashtag Campaigns" that allows creators and brands to run targeted hashtag campaigns to reach a wider audience.

10. Hashtag Moderation: Instagram has improved its moderation tools for hashtags, allowing you to report and remove spammy or inappropriate hashtags from your content.

These updates aim to make it easier for users to discover and engage with content on Instagram, while also providing more insights and analytics for creators and brands.