Instagram auto dm to new followers

The art of sending automated direct messages (DMs) to new followers on Instagram!

Why send auto-DMs?

  1. Welcome new followers: A personalized message can make new followers feel welcome and valued.
  2. Promote your content: You can share your latest posts, stories, or reels to encourage engagement.
  3. Build relationships: Auto-DMs can help you start conversations and build relationships with new followers.
  4. Increase engagement: By sending a message, you can increase the chances of getting likes, comments, and saves on your posts.

How to send auto-DMs on Instagram:

  1. Use a third-party app: There are several apps that allow you to send auto-DMs on Instagram, such as:
    • Hootsuite
    • Buffer
    • Sendible
    • Ingramer
    • Auto DM for Instagram
  2. Set up your message: Create a template for your auto-DM message. You can include a greeting, a brief introduction, and a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage engagement.
  3. Configure the app: Connect your Instagram account to the app, and set up the auto-DM feature. You may need to specify the type of message, the frequency, and the timing.
  4. Schedule your messages: Choose when you want to send the auto-DMs. You can schedule them to send immediately, or at a specific time of the day.

Tips and best practices:

  1. Keep it short and sweet: Keep your auto-DM message concise and to the point.
  2. Be personal: Address the new follower by name, if possible.
  3. Don't spam: Avoid sending too many messages or repetitive messages.
  4. Monitor and adjust: Keep an eye on your auto-DM performance and adjust your message or frequency as needed.
  5. Comply with Instagram's rules: Make sure your auto-DMs comply with Instagram's terms of service and community guidelines.

Example auto-DM message:

"Hey [Name], thanks for following me! I'm [Your Name], a [Your Niche] enthusiast. Check out my latest post about [Topic] and let me know what you think! #YourHashtags"

Remember to always be respectful and considerate when sending auto-DMs. Happy automating!