Inside higher education news

Here are some recent news articles from Inside Higher Ed:

Top Stories

  1. Colleges and universities are struggling to attract and retain students (March 2023) - A new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center finds that the number of students enrolling in higher education has declined for the third consecutive year.
  2. Faculty members are increasingly concerned about academic freedom (February 2023) - A survey by the American Association of University Professors finds that 71% of faculty members are worried about the erosion of academic freedom on their campuses.
  3. Online learning is becoming more popular, but equity concerns remain (January 2023) - A report from the Babson Survey Research Group finds that 77% of higher education institutions offer online courses, but students from low-income backgrounds are less likely to take online courses.

Innovation and Technology

  1. AI-powered chatbots are being used to support student mental health (March 2023) - A new study finds that AI-powered chatbots can be effective in providing mental health support to students, particularly those who may not have access to traditional counseling services.
  2. Colleges are using virtual and augmented reality to enhance learning (February 2023) - A new report from the National Center for Education Statistics finds that 44% of higher education institutions are using virtual reality and 21% are using augmented reality to enhance student learning.
  3. Edtech companies are partnering with colleges to offer online courses (January 2023) - A new report from Education Week finds that edtech companies are partnering with colleges to offer online courses, particularly in fields such as computer science and data analytics.

Policy and Politics

  1. Biden administration announces new rules for international students (March 2023) - The Biden administration has announced new rules for international students, including a requirement that colleges and universities report international student enrollment data to the federal government.
  2. Congress passes bill to increase funding for Pell Grants (February 2023) - Congress has passed a bill to increase funding for Pell Grants, which provide financial aid to low-income students.
  3. States are considering legislation to restrict tenure (January 2023) - Several states are considering legislation to restrict tenure, a move that has sparked concerns among faculty members and academic freedom advocates.

Campus Life and Culture

  1. Colleges are struggling to address student mental health concerns (March 2023) - A new report from the National Alliance on Mental Illness finds that colleges are struggling to address student mental health concerns, particularly among students of color.
  2. Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are becoming more prominent on campus (February 2023) - A new report from the National Center for Education Statistics finds that 71% of higher education institutions have diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in place.
  3. Colleges are using social media to promote student engagement (January 2023) - A new report from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators finds that colleges are using social media to promote student engagement and encourage students to participate in campus activities.