Insecurity why we still have problems ango abdullahi 2

I think there may be a small mistake in your question. It seems like you meant to ask "Insecurity: Why we still have problems in Nigeria and Abdullahi 2".

If that's correct, I'll do my best to provide a thoughtful response.

Insecurity is a pervasive issue in Nigeria, and it's a complex problem with multiple factors contributing to its persistence. Here are some possible reasons why Nigeria still struggles with insecurity:

  1. Political instability: Nigeria has a history of political instability, which has led to a lack of trust in the government and its institutions. This has created an environment where criminal elements can thrive.
  2. Corruption: Corruption is rampant in Nigeria, and it undermines the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies. Corrupt officials often collude with criminals, making it difficult to bring them to justice.
  3. Poverty and unemployment: High levels of poverty and unemployment create an environment where people are more likely to engage in criminal activities to survive.
  4. Lack of effective governance: In some parts of the country, there is a lack of effective governance, which allows criminal elements to operate with impunity.
  5. Ethnic and religious tensions: Nigeria is a diverse country with over 250 ethnic groups and more than 500 languages. Ethnic and religious tensions can sometimes boil over into violence, creating an environment conducive to insecurity.
  6. Insufficient funding for security agencies: The security agencies in Nigeria often lack the necessary resources, including funding, equipment, and personnel, to effectively combat insecurity.
  7. Inadequate intelligence gathering: Insecurity often thrives in environments where there is a lack of effective intelligence gathering and sharing. This makes it difficult for security agencies to anticipate and prevent attacks.
  8. Criminal networks: Nigeria has a number of criminal networks that operate across the country, often with links to international organized crime groups. These networks can be difficult to dismantle, as they often have significant resources and networks.
  9. Lack of community engagement: In some cases, community engagement and participation in security efforts are lacking, which can make it difficult to identify and address the root causes of insecurity.
  10. Historical factors: Nigeria's history of colonialism, military rule, and political instability has created a complex web of social, economic, and political issues that contribute to insecurity.

Abdullahi 2, I assume you're referring to the current President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, who is serving his second term in office. While President Buhari has taken steps to address insecurity in Nigeria, including launching a number of initiatives to combat Boko Haram and other forms of violence, the problem remains a significant challenge for the country.

I hope this helps provide some context and insights into the complex issue of insecurity in Nigeria.