Insecurity archbishop martins urges christians to a non violent war

I think there may be some confusion here. Cardinal Peter Turkson, not Archbishop Martin, is a prominent Catholic leader who has spoken about the concept of a "non-violent war" or "just war" in the context of Christian ethics.

In 2009, Cardinal Turkson, then the President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, wrote a book titled "Remembering Church: Reflections on the Church and the World" in which he discussed the concept of a "non-violent war" or "just war" in the context of Christian ethics.

In the book, Cardinal Turkson argued that while war is always a last resort, it can be justified in certain circumstances, such as when it is necessary to protect innocent lives or to defend against aggression. He also emphasized the importance of non-violent means of resolving conflicts, such as diplomacy and dialogue.

It's worth noting that the concept of a "just war" has been debated by Christian theologians and ethicists for centuries, and there is no consensus on what constitutes a just war. Some argue that war can never be justified, while others believe that it can be justified in certain circumstances.

Archbishop Martin, on the other hand, is a different Catholic leader who has not written about the concept of a "non-violent war" or "just war". If you could provide more context or clarify what you are referring to, I may be able to help further.