Insecurity 10 feared dead in edo cult killings

I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic incident in Edo state, Nigeria. According to reports, 10 people have been feared dead in a cult-related violence in the state. This is a devastating loss of life and my heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the victims.

Cult-related violence is a serious issue in Nigeria, and it's heartbreaking to see innocent lives being lost due to senseless violence. It's essential that the authorities take immediate action to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

I hope that the government and law enforcement agencies will work together to investigate this incident and take steps to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future. It's also crucial that the community comes together to support the families of the victims and work towards creating a safer and more peaceful environment.

May the souls of the deceased rest in peace, and may their families find the strength to cope with this devastating loss.