Ingress news

Ingress is a popular location-based augmented reality game developed by Google. Here are some recent news and updates about Ingress:

Recent Updates:

  1. Ingress Prime: In 2018, Google released Ingress Prime, a rebranded and updated version of the original Ingress game. Ingress Prime features improved graphics, new gameplay mechanics, and a more streamlined user interface.
  2. New Missions: Ingress Prime introduced new mission types, including "Resonance" missions that require players to work together to complete objectives.
  3. Improved Social Features: Ingress Prime added new social features, such as the ability to join and create groups, and a revamped messaging system.

Community News:

  1. Ingress Meetups: Ingress players around the world continue to organize meetups and events, often referred to as "Ingress Meetups" or "Ingress Ops". These events bring together players to complete missions, socialize, and have fun.
  2. Ingress Community Challenges: The Ingress community is known for creating and participating in community challenges, such as "Ingress Challenges" and "Ingress Events". These challenges often involve completing specific missions or achieving certain goals within a set timeframe.

Ingress Esports:

  1. Ingress Global Championship: In 2019, Google announced the Ingress Global Championship, a competitive esports tournament featuring top Ingress players from around the world.
  2. Ingress Pro League: The Ingress Pro League is a competitive league for top Ingress players, featuring regular matches and tournaments.

Other News:

  1. Ingress and Google Maps: Ingress has been integrated with Google Maps, allowing players to access Ingress-related information and features directly within the Google Maps app.
  2. Ingress and Google ARCore: Ingress has been updated to support Google ARCore, enabling players to experience augmented reality gameplay on compatible devices.

These are just a few examples of recent news and updates about Ingress. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest Ingress news and developments, I recommend following Ingress-related social media channels, forums, and online communities.