Inec says pvcs 12 million voters remain uncollected

A very interesting and timely topic!

According to a recent report by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), about 12 million registered voters in Nigeria remain uncollected. This is a significant number, considering that the total number of registered voters in Nigeria is approximately 93 million.

The report suggests that these uncollected PVCs (Permanent Voter Cards) are scattered across the country, with some states having a higher number of uncollected cards than others. For instance, Lagos State has the highest number of uncollected PVCs, with over 2.5 million cards yet to be collected.

INEC attributes the high number of uncollected PVCs to various factors, including:

  1. Lack of awareness: Many eligible voters may not be aware that they have registered to vote or that they need to collect their PVCs.
  2. Inadequate sensitization: Some voters may not have received adequate information about the importance of collecting their PVCs.
  3. Logistical challenges: In some cases, voters may face difficulties in accessing INEC offices or other designated collection centers.
  4. Voter apathy: Unfortunately, some voters may simply not be interested in participating in the electoral process.

To address this issue, INEC has announced plans to intensify its voter education and sensitization efforts, as well as to establish more collection centers across the country. The commission is also working to improve its communication channels to ensure that eligible voters are informed about the importance of collecting their PVCs.

It's essential that eligible voters take advantage of this opportunity to collect their PVCs, as it is a crucial step in exercising their right to vote in future elections.