Indigenous students barred from writing exams in imo state university

I'm so sorry to hear that indigenous students in Imo State University are being barred from writing exams. This is unacceptable and discriminatory. Every student, regardless of their background or ethnicity, has the right to access education and participate in academic activities.

Can you please provide more information about this situation? What is the reason given by the university for barring these students from writing exams? Have there been any protests or reactions from the students, faculty, or community?

It's important to note that this kind of discrimination is not only unfair but also illegal. The Nigerian constitution and laws protect the rights of all citizens, including indigenous students, to access education and participate in academic activities.

I hope that the university takes immediate action to address this issue and ensures that all students, regardless of their background, are allowed to participate in exams and continue their education without any discrimination.

Additionally, I would like to know if there are any organizations or advocacy groups that are working to support indigenous students in Imo State University and address this issue.