Indiana to new york

A trip from Indiana to New York!

Here are the details you might need to plan your trip:

Distance: Approximately 760 miles (1,223 km)

Driving Time: Around 11-12 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take

Route Options:

  1. I-80 E: Take I-80 East from Indiana to New York. This route will take you through Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey before reaching New York.
  2. I-90 E: Take I-90 East from Indiana to New York. This route will take you through Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.

Stops Along the Way:

  1. Cleveland, Ohio: A great stop for food, gas, and sightseeing. Visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or take a stroll along the Lake Erie waterfront.
  2. Erie, Pennsylvania: Stop by Presque Isle State Park for some beautiful lake views and outdoor activities.
  3. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Visit the Pennsylvania State Capitol building or explore the city's vibrant downtown area.
  4. New Jersey Turnpike: Take a break at one of the many rest stops or service plazas along the turnpike.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Check traffic: Use a traffic app like Waze or Google Maps to plan your route and avoid congested areas.
  2. Pack snacks: Bring some snacks and water to keep you fueled during the long drive.
  3. Take breaks: Stop every few hours to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and rest your eyes.
  4. Consider accommodations: If you're planning to drive late at night or want to break up the trip, consider booking a hotel or motel along the way.


  1. Check the forecast: Before you leave, check the weather forecast for both Indiana and New York to plan accordingly.
  2. Be prepared: Pack accordingly for any weather conditions you might encounter, such as rain, snow, or extreme temperatures.

I hope this helps you plan your trip from Indiana to New York!