India pakistan latest news

Here are the latest news updates on India-Pakistan relations:

Recent Developments:

  1. Tensions escalate over Kashmir: India and Pakistan have been engaged in a bitter standoff over Kashmir, with both countries accusing each other of violating a ceasefire agreement. The situation has been tense since August 2019, when India revoked Article 370 of its constitution, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir.
  2. Pakistani PM Imran Khan's visit to China: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan visited China on November 3-4, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and discussed issues related to Kashmir, trade, and security. China has been a key ally of Pakistan and has supported Islamabad's stance on Kashmir.
  3. India's decision to revoke Article 370: India's decision to revoke Article 370 has been widely criticized by Pakistan, which has accused India of violating the UN Charter and international law. Pakistan has also called for international intervention to resolve the Kashmir dispute.
  4. Pakistan's decision to downgrade diplomatic ties: Pakistan has decided to downgrade its diplomatic ties with India, including the suspension of trade and cultural exchanges. The decision was taken in response to India's decision to revoke Article 370.
  5. India's decision to ban Pakistani actors: India has banned Pakistani actors from working in the Indian film industry, citing security concerns. The decision was taken in response to Pakistan's decision to ban Indian actors from working in Pakistan.

Recent Statements:

  1. Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar's statement: Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar has said that India is committed to resolving the Kashmir dispute through dialogue, but Pakistan must first stop supporting terrorism and ceasefire violations.
  2. Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi's statement: Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that Pakistan will not compromise on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will continue to support the people of Kashmir in their struggle for self-determination.
  3. Chinese Foreign Ministry's statement: The Chinese Foreign Ministry has said that China is committed to playing a constructive role in resolving the Kashmir dispute, and has called on India and Pakistan to engage in dialogue and negotiations.

Recent Incidents:

  1. Ceasefire violations: There have been several ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC) between India and Pakistan in recent weeks, resulting in the deaths of several soldiers and civilians on both sides.
  2. Cross-border firing: There have been reports of cross-border firing between Indian and Pakistani forces, resulting in the deaths of several soldiers and civilians on both sides.
  3. Terrorist attacks: There have been several terrorist attacks in India and Pakistan in recent weeks, including a suicide bombing in Kashmir that killed several soldiers and civilians.

Recent International Developments:

  1. UN Security Council meeting: The UN Security Council held a meeting on November 13 to discuss the situation in Kashmir, but no resolution was passed.
  2. US State Department's statement: The US State Department has called on India and Pakistan to engage in dialogue and negotiations to resolve the Kashmir dispute.
  3. European Union's statement: The European Union has called on India and Pakistan to respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to engage in dialogue and negotiations to resolve the Kashmir dispute.